Live On The Green and Musician's Corner are free outdoor concerts that grace Music City's grassy lawns weekly. They are perfect for all types of music lovers and bring together our amazing community one song at a time. Check out these events and get ready for the good times.
Live On The Green
Thursdays 6-10 pm
This is a free 6 week concert series located on the perfectly manicured lawn in front our dear Mayor Dean's office at City Hall. If the work week is getting you down, then come out on Thursday nights to start your weekend early. Live On The Green is the place to let your dreads down. Bring a blanket, chair and a little cashola for food and drinks. Dog's are welcome too! Escape the overpriced downtown parking by riding you bike or park under the the Public Square Plaza for only $3. Tonight's line up features Tom Foolery @ 6:30, Joe Robinson @ 7, Moon Taxi @ 7:45 and The Wailers @ 9.
Musicians Corner
Saturdays 3-6 pm
If you're looking for a more laid back afternoon in the grass kind of feel Musicians Corner is exactly that! It is located in the shade and on a naturally sloping amphitheater at the southwest corner of Centennial Park (next to Hog Heaven). Bring your kids, dogs, blankets and picnic baskets for an afternoon of great music and relaxation. This Saturday is featuring Danny Salazar, Alvin Love, Verlon Thompson and Kazique Band.
Starry Nights Festival
October 30 - September 2
If you are a live outdoor concert junkie then you'll love this! The Starry Nights Festival is a 3-day music fest only an hour North of Nashville in Bowling Green, KY. There will be 2 stages, 30 bands and three nights of camping out under the stars. Tickets are $59 in advance and $79 at the gate. Don't forget it's BYOB.
Now go outside and listen to the music!
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