My Retune Nashville project is right on schedule and I'm about 85% finished. I finished the collage, drilled all the holes, installed the bolts and am ready to build the guitar.
My favorite part of the project was drilling through the different types of wood on the guitar necks. First the dust was black from the Ebony, then light brown, then dark brown. It was so cool watching the different colors of wood being spit out from the drill. It's pretty amazing what goes into building an actual guitar, I'm so lucky to have the chance to take one apart.
My next favorite part of the plan was suspending the pieces of guitar on the board. It really started to come together when I could see all the different levels and the sculpture coming to life. I kept standing back, looking at it and thinking, wow this thing is so cool.
Last I am going to install the guitar strings, pick up, amp and all the little details that will make this project complete. In just a few days this art piece is going to start singing the blues and I can't wait to hear it, video it and share with you. Wish me luck!
Retune Nashville, October 23rd, Soundcheck Studios
Tickets now on sale!
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